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Gift idea: do one that can last a life time

I'll write about a very special gift that I received from my aunt. Since some years ago my aunt started to give to her family and friends customizaded gifts, done by herself. And I must say that these gifts come everytime so creative and touching,

The reason I'm writing this post if for you to think about doing a present yourself for a family member or a friend. Nowadays it's so easy to just get into a shop and buy the first thing we look at. But why not making this person feeling appreciated with something that was created by you? For sure if you know the person closely you'll find creative ideas that he / she will never forget.

My aunt made a special customized book to her childhood best friend and this person started to cry when was turning the pages. This book had pictures of things that reminded my aunt's friend their childhood. Things like: their favourite chocolates, the games they used to play, toys, magazines, tv shows, movies, books, things from the school, the special sentences they could never forget. It might seem not that special but just try to imagine that after 50 years you see all these things you loved as a child and that marked your life in one cute book. My aunt's friend opened the book, being close to her son and said to him crying: "you don't understand, all my life is in this book!"

I also got one of these books.

What I like about the books my aunt creates is that they come with a meaning. In the case of her friend it was their childhood memories. In my case came with pictures and poems that were symbolizing what was happening in my life in that period, my moving to a new city, the one I live at the moment - Florence. The book got me addicted, I couldn't stop turning the pages. The story was about a small boat paper (representing me) that had to travel and to face the challenges that could come with the journey. So you already got that the paper boat challenges were the ones I would find myself with the change to a new city, a new country. This book meant a lot to me.

One of the things my aunt did amazingly was putting in the book paper boats pictures almost everywhere. Each page, I found myself asking how did she find so many. And all the pictures were synchronized with the story giving a lot of coherence and unity to the whole book.

I leave you some of the 48 pages of the book I received so you can see how simple it is, pictures combined with a story. But what makes the difference is the feeling and dedication you feel from it. Yes, to do one like this takes time and patience. But I garantee that one of these gifts will last a life time and always will come with a smile once are opened again.

I also discovered this very cute "Boat Song" from JJ Heller that I felt is so related to this post :)

If you were a boat, my darling A boat, my darling I'd be the wind at your back If you were afraid, my darling Afraid, my darling I'd be the courage you lack If you were a bird, then I'd be a tree And you would come home, my darling, to me If you were asleep, then I'd be a dream Wherever you are, that's where my heart will be Oh, do you know we belong together? Oh, do you know my heart is yours? If you were the ocean, I'd be the sand If you were a song, I'd be the band If you were the stars, then I'd be the moon A light in the dark, my darling, for you Oh, do you know we belong together? Oh, do you know my heart is yours? Oh, do you know we belong together? Oh, do you know my heart is yours? Oh, do you know we belong together? Oh, do you know my heart is yours?

See you in my next post!

Life in petals

by  Mariana

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Mariana. In love with music, fan of to do lists. Yoga practicioner and crazy about chocolate. Welcome to my world of duality. I share tips and tools for a balanced and healthy life style.

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