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Summertime: goals and challenges

Summer is coming! I must say that I really love spring but right now I'm looking forward for summer. It's not just because it's the time for holidays and hopefully it means good weather, travelling, being with friends, etc. But, I find summer a great time to relax and gain some introspection. I like to have a pause to consider the things that happened in the previous months, to think which things need to be changed and how am I going to do it. It's the perfect time to regain some focus for September and to create new goals. But first, let's talk about the aims and challenges for these next 3 months.

So my goals for the summer and also the challenges that might come:

1. Relax and enjoy the sun. I know that this one is very clichè but I can't be one year without going to the beach.

2. Making this blog grow. It's a very recent project and since I'll have more free time I can dedicate more to this small world I just created. Also during summer I want to start a routine for my blog, to define how many posts I'll write per week and what to write about. Challenges? To keep your focus when you have so many distractions around you.

3. Travel. Yes, I'll travel. 10 days completly off. 10 days without doing anything, a bit isolated from the rest of the world. After an intense school year, I feel I deserve a break. That's why during this period I really need to have time for myself. The challenge is to get used to. When you're busy all the time with plenty of stuff to do, you might feel a bit weird when actually you don't. Challenge of not finding stuff to do during these days :)

4. Read more. I really need to read more and summer will be the perfect time to do it. I want one of my next posts to be about a book I'll read during these next weeks. My challenge right now is to find out which books!

5. Prioritize. After the time for relaxation and introspection I'll start to write my goals and priorities from the beginning of September. Being with so many ideas and for sure more relaxed, probably I'll feel I can do everything and even conquer the world. So, just need to taaaake it easy and prioritize things.

6. Regain focus. If you have very long holidays, you might feel hard to organize yourself again. My way to get focused is to write things down. Hopefully during August my new life planner will arrive! :)

Which are your goals and challenges for these 3 months? :)

I leave you the song "Summertime" from George Gershwin to welcome the beginning of the new season :)

Life in petals

by  Mariana

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Mariana. In love with music, fan of to do lists. Yoga practicioner and crazy about chocolate. Welcome to my world of duality. I share tips and tools for a balanced and healthy life style.

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