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New start, new routine, new planner... and some thoughts on last summer

Hello everybody!

It has been a while since I didn’t write anything in the blog. During this summer I was quite busy. I was 2 months away from home and each week I was in a different place, or at my parents or taking some days off at the seaside, or travelling to some isolated and exotic place with my boyfriend. Cannot complain really, I had a wonderful summer maybe one of the best. But being in so many different places it was a bit difficult to keep myself organized. So basically was a bit hard for me to focus and to find space and time to come to the computer and write. But I ended up enjoying a lot my summer holidays. :)

At the same time I’m very proud that not writing in the blog was the only goal that I didn’t achieve during summertime. I wrote down on a previous post that I wanted to make this blog grow. I didn’t manage during holiday’s period but summer is still not over (at least until the 21st September). Now feeling refreshed I want to put my focus on this little space I’ve just created.

On this post I want to talk to you again about the life planner. Remember that post I did about planner options? You can read it here. Well, one of my goals during summer was to buy one to organize my life and to keep focus. I really needed one so I could start the month of September and the academic year in the best way as possible. I wanted a planner so much that my best friend was seduced to buy one for herself (hope she didn’t regret it, already, ahah). At least we had a lot of fun searching and ordering it online.

So, I’ve told you about the Erin Codren and Plum Paper design planners. Actually I ordered mine from a different website – Personal Planner. The reason was, when talking to my friend we realized that the prices of shipping from the USA were quite high and out of our budget. Our question was then, is there such a planner thing in Europe? And after some research we found Personal Planner, being both very pleased with the end result. In this post I’ll show you mine and the steps I took to customize it.

What I enjoyed most about this website was the fact you could customize EVERYTHING. But I really mean EVERYTHING! From the front page, until the days disposition, colours, etc. Even you could add on a previous document your family and friend’s birthdays so the planner could come already with these details printed on.

My friend and I had a wonderful time looking at all the options that could be added to the planners. One of my favourite thing was deciding the options for the end of each week pages. You can see below, on the picture. I added the option to have a small list of my goals for each week, small board with some lines that I will use for organizational things and a small board for random ideas that I might have. I had other options but these seemed to me what had more sense to my routine. I also chose each day to have an option to write down my personal training time. In my case I used for my yoga practice :)

At the end of the planner I chose: to have an overview of the year, world map pages so I could feel inspired to travel and to sign the places I’ve already visited and by last, some more extra pages.

We are still on the middle of September so I can’t say yet if in the future I’ll find all the options I chose useful but for now I can say that I’m very pleased. I feel ready to start the academic year and hope this planner will help me to keep my focus on to achieve all my goals.

Hope you enjoyed this posts and if you have some planners’ suggestions let me know.

Life in petals

by  Mariana

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Mariana. In love with music, fan of to do lists. Yoga practicioner and crazy about chocolate. Welcome to my world of duality. I share tips and tools for a balanced and healthy life style.

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