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Customize your Life Wheel

Dear blog readers,

This post will be again about the Life Wheel. I heard some of you saying that Life Wheel was a very interesting topic and since it was the idea behind my blog I decided to write a new post.

So, the first thing you need to know about the Life Wheel is that is a self-coaching technique which the goal is to search for a balance in your life. It has 4 main categories: personal, career/work, relationships and life quality and each part is divided in other sub-categories. The main goal is for you to realize how pleased you are with each one of them. It’s a very useful tool if you’re the kind of person that likes to think about, if you like to improve your life and take action. If you want more explanation about the Life Wheel you can read my post here.

After your feedback I had an idea… how to have a way for you to create a customized Life Wheel anytime you want that is fast and easy? J I think it’s nice to draw it on a paper and colour it… but let’s face it, it’s still some time invested and if you’re a perfectionist like me for sure you get annoyed when the lines dividing the wheel are not straight enough, if the circle does not seem a circle at all. At the end you get more annoyed than enjoying the process that is not our aim in the end. So I came up with the idea of creating a file that would be already prepared for you to weigh the parts of your life and as a result you will get automatically your life wheel customized. Click HERE to download it.

How to use the file then?

After opening the file you’ll see that there’s a chart with the life parts and down there’s a blue circle like this.

The first thing need to do is to weigh in a scale of 1 to 10 how you feel about each area in your life, 1 meaning that you’re not happy at all and 10 you’re completely pleased and you wouldn’t change anything. After this have a look at the blue circle again. It would seem something like this:

Very simple right? I hope you like seeing it changing colour the same way I do :)

Since the process to evaluate and generate automatically a customized wheel seems so easy I also created two more pages for you to try. At the end using the Life Wheel tool has the goal to help you to create a change, to make you think and this part cannot be automated of course.

In the next page you’ll find some questions that would help you to score each field of the previous page. The questions were written to make you think. So I advise if you have any doubt in the first score part that you read these questions.

Finally, once you score all the areas you can have an overall perspective how your life looks like that comes with the question… what can I do to change the parts which I’m not so pleased with? We get then to the next page that is called Action Plan. It has more questions but this time will help you to take action.

And to finish, on the last page there’s again your customized wheel but in a bigger size so you can print it. I suggest you to have your wheel in a place where you can look at it anytime you want and that reminds you the things you’re grateful of having in your life and the ones you decided to change.

I hope you enjoy and find this file helpful. I had a great time creating it, I never did something like this before. Hope you enjoy as much as I did :)

Let me know what you think and see you soon!

Life in petals

by  Mariana

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Mariana. In love with music, fan of to do lists. Yoga practicioner and crazy about chocolate. Welcome to my world of duality. I share tips and tools for a balanced and healthy life style.

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